
PrussiaXReader Homeless (Oneshot)

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XMajutsu-shiX's avatar

Literature Text

27xdxrs by XMajutsu-shiX

(Name) sighed and glared at the flat she was just leaving. This was ridiculous, this was stupid- this was simply unbelievable! She just stared blankly at the door. She’d just been thrown out. The reality of the fact dawned at her.

 She was homeless.

Her tummy started sinking, tears threatening to spill out. But (Name) wasn't going to cry. She couldn't  not in front of the whole world... slowly she dragged her rucksack after her, glancing around. The world seemed so different; nothing had changed for anyone else. Nobody would know or realize or... even care that she was homeless.

Everyone was just going on with their own selfish lives... She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Why had this happened again? She had no idea. (Name) sighed again, dragging her feet forward. Might as well drown myself in coffee... she thought to herself, her tummy growling. (Name) shook her head in disbelief, she still couldn't believe it.

At least the weather matched her mood. Dark clouds filled the sky, putting the city into shadows. There was a science in the air, one you wouldn't expect at 6pm in the afternoon. The rain fell down in bucketfuls already drenching (Name) to the skin. This was hopeless.

With another weary sigh she dragged herself to her favourite cafe, Coffee Central, taking shelter from the angry rain. The cafe smelt of freshly baked glazed doughnuts and coffee. Her two most favourite things in the word put together. (Name) smelt the delicious air, her mouth watering.

At least her mood had gotten better. She slumped down only after a minute remembering that she had to order first.

Right now she longed to eat, eat so much that she’d forget what was happening in her life at the moment. She shook her head, her face crumpling. She couldn't forget.

 Quickly she pulled herself up and walked over to the counter. Much to her pleasure there weren’t as many people in the line, however the place was still packed out and even then people walked in, with hats on top of their heads or even their briefcases.

(Name) ordered; a fish nugget burger and a warm cappuccino with an extra flake. .  Usually she’d take only an iced frappe but today she needed something warm, after a bit she ordered chips. Why not eat un-healthy? She glanced around at the menu pondering on what else to buy- ah yes! How could she forget, a glazed doughnut.

After a few minutes her order came. The place made you feel posh, thus with all the waiters... (Name) stared at the food, was this the last time she’d be able to come here? Her eyes started prickling, almost unaware of another person staring at her.

Gilbert was still staring. However many times he’d tried to look away he couldn’t, he was curious, it was that girl from Ludwig’s school. Slowly he approached the table, the girl looked depressed. Maybe she needed someone to... give her a hug or something? Gilbert nodded, his awesomeness was needed.

Quickly, he slid down next to her, for a minute the girl took no notice, Gilbert was too aware at how close they were. The girl looked up, she glared at him. How nice. Gilbert thought to himself.

“Hallo Frau, you look sad...” He couldn’t have said anything cleverer could he? Gilbert scowled inwardly. The girl shot him a weird look. “Um... I mean... erm...” This was the first time Gilbert had been in a situation like this, he didn’t know what to say. He glanced around, trying to think of something to say, his face reddening, this wasn’t supposed to happen to someone as awesome as him! It was not awesome!

(Name) stared at the albino in front of her. The first thing she noticed that he had almost red eyes. Awesome...she thought to herself. The person seemed to be muttering something to himself, (Name) didn’t recall inviting him to sit with her.

“Right...” She nodded and stared at him, mentally telling him to go away. The albino nodded as well, a little too enthusiastically, almost taking it as permission to stay.

“My name is the awesome Gilbert!” He nodded again, still looking a little red.

“Right...” (Name) looked away from him, taking a big bite of her fish nugget burger, savouring the sweet chilly flesh of the meat. She glanced back at the albino, he refused to move or stop staring... maybe he wanted her burger. (Name) narrowed her eyes.

“What?” She snapped, almost hugging her burger, Gilbert shook his head, staring at the menu. He’d already ordered of course, but he didn’t know where else to look at. His order soon came, identical to what (Name) had. (Name) blinked, glancing at his order and then back at hers. She narrowed her eyes; his carton of chips was bigger.

“Nothing Frau, I was just surprised at the fact that we have exactly the same order!” Gilbert laughed. (Name) nodded very slowly.

“You have a German accent.” She pointed out. Gilbert stopped laughing, his face crumpled, (Name) looked quite taken aback, she didn't know people’s expression could change so quickly.

“Not... German...” Gilbert shook his head, what was the difference? People never realized anyway.

“Oh... urm, are you Prussian?” (Name) asked curiously, she’d never met a Prussian before. Immediately Gilbert perked up.

Ja! Prussian!” He bit into his burger and glanced at her. “So Frau, would I have the pleasure of knowing your name-“

“No... I don’t go around giving my name to strangers.”

“Ah well, Gut! You shouldn't  there are some very dangerous men in this world who could a hurt a poor little-” Gilbert stopped at the look her received; maybe this girl was slightly feminist. “Of course that wouldn't happen...” The words came out almost in a squeak. Gilbert bit his lips, how had he managed to ruin this so quickly.


“My second name is Beildschmit; you go to my brother’s university...” Gilbert trailed off, trying to start a conversation had never been so hard. If she went to his brother’s university...did they know each other? And if they knew each other... were friends... and if they were friends- could they be more than friends? Now that he thought about it, he’d heard Ludwig mentioning her... once... or twice... or maybe more...

He should have listened, he’d always ignored him. Not really listening... he regretted it. Gilbert bit his lips again.

 “Do you know...Ludwig?” Meanwhile (Name) was staring at her doughnut, it was shining, the glazed doughnut looked beautiful; she smiled, a dreamy look crossing her face.

Gilbert’s face dropped dramatically. He didn’t want to know any more, didn’t want to think that... this might be... (Name).

“You’re (Name) right?” he asked bluntly. (Name’s) attention snapped back to him.

“Ah, Luddy talks about me?” She snorted at her awesome nickname then stopped. “What does he say? Does he call me fat?” She asked tonelessly, finishing her doughnut and coffee, Gilbert had barely noticed that he’d finished. Gilbert thought for a bit, what if he made her hate Ludwig? No... that would just be mean. He sighed. (Name) stood up.

“Well, it was nice to talk.” She nodded at him standing up; Gilbert noticed the rucksack and jumped up as well.

“Are you... leaving somewhere Liebe?” He asked, staring at the rucksack. (Name) stopped, Gilbert almost bumped into her.

“Does Leebe mean fat?” She asked her voice dangerously low.

“Nein it means... erm...” Gilbert thought for a bit wondering how she’d react, “never mind” he muttered. He eyed the rucksack again. (Name) sighed and made her way out, Gilbert ran after her. The rain had only gotten heavier.

“Would you like to come to my place for a bit?” Gilbert asked hastily, (Name) stared at him as if he was mental. “My brother was saying something about finishing a project...” (Name) shook her head.

“He never said anything about having an older brother...” She muttered, narrowing her eyes. She was about to open her mouth again when a car skidded next to them. Ludwig jumped out with an umbrella and handed it to (Name), Gilbert blinked. He should have done that! He cursed inwardly.

“(Name)... what are you doing here with my brother?” (Name) raised her eyebrows.

“You never said you had a brother.” She stated, glancing at the car. Ludwig grumbled and glanced at Gilbert who was staring at him almost accusingly, he blinked what had he done?

“Should we finish our project?” Ludwig asked, gesturing at the Landrover. (Name) stared at the car.

“Ooh, that’s my favourite car!” She stopped and thought for a bit. “Das is meine favourite car?” Both Gilbert and Ludwig winced at the awful pronunciation and speech. (Name) laughed sadistically at their reaction.

“It’s mine.” Gilbert nodded, Ludwig blinked. He tilted his head in amusement examining his scowling brother. He raised his eyebrow and took out his keys turning to (Name).

“Fine, I’ll go back once we’ve finished the project.” (Name) nodded, Gilbert coughed taking the Landrover keys, Ludwig still stared at him with a small smile on his face.

“I’ll drive my car…” He nodded, offering (Name) the front seat. Ludwig blinked again and started laughing quietly to himself; Gilbert was making it just a little too obvious. (Name) quickly got in and looked around the car.

“Nice car…” Gilbert nodded taking the compliment.

After 10 minutes of silent driving they approached the house-mansion. (Name)’s mouth dropped open. These people were… richer than she thought.

“Nice… place…” She muttered, feeling even worse now. She jumped around glancing around. The place wasn’t too over the top. But still… it made her wonder if she was supposed to take off her beaten up, muddy trainers off before even stepping inside. (Name) felt seriously out of place.

Ludwig glanced at the bag again, he didn’t say anything.

“Let’s go then (Name).” Gilbert shuffled around.

“Is there anything I could help with…?” He asked, Ludwig shook his head with a mocking smile on his face.

“No thank you Gilbert,” Gilbert scowled. “I need to talk to (Name)” Ludwig added, glancing at her. Gilbert blinked.

“Why?” He asked bluntly. Ludwig shrugged, shooting a look at (Name).

“(Name), it’s time we talked…” He gestured her to follow him. (Name) grumbled, shuffling around. She sighed and followed him up the staircase; Gilbert had a bad feeling in his tummy.

(Name) sat awkwardly on the office chair in Ludwig’s room, spinning around slowly.

“What… Ludwig...”

“You know (Name),” Ludwig gestured at the bag, “I’m assuming you didn’t pay your rent in time…” (Name) didn’t reply, instead her face turned a bright red, she did not want to talk about that right now.  “You’re homeless, right?” Ludwig sighed, glancing at her. (Name) didn’t reply, she stared at the floor boards as if they were the most interesting things in the world. “Name?”

“Fine...” (Name)’s voice cracked, she had been trying to forget about that for the time being. Ludwig sighed, shaking his head.

“You should’ve come straight here…” He stared at her, fearing that she might start crying. (Name) stood up.

“Well I guess this isn’t about that project then is it?” She asked quietly, she wasn’t staying here.

“(Name)…” Ludwig frowned. (Name) tried to gulp down the lump forming in her throat.

Gilbert could hear the sniffling coming from inside the room, he didn’t know what the two people were talking about but it certainly was not about ‘the project’ they were supposed to be completing. His heart sank at the possibilities; maybe Ludwig had asked her to marry him? Wait- no… that was maybe a little bit exaggerated… but then what? He couldn’t take it anymore and quickly walked in taking in the scene, it looked like Ludwig had been about to hug (Name). He coughed, the two’s attention turned to him. Ludwig stared at (Name) then back at his brother.

“Gilbert, this project… is going to take a few… days maybe… (Name) will be staying here.” (Name) blinked at the news, she opened her mouth to complain. “Right?” Ludwig repeated, (Name) quickly nodded, rubbing her face in embarrassment, hopefully her face wasn’t red. Gilbert gulped.

“Ja…” He nodded glancing at his brother, slowly he walked out.

(Name) had just woken up, she glanced around the room she’d been staying in, Ludwig had told her that he would sort something out but (Name) had decided she would do something herself, she wasn’t a weakling.

She stood up and glanced at the time, 20 to 6… she’d be back before they had woken up.  With that she started rummaging in her backpack for some clothes.

Ludwig walked down to breakfast, Gilbert was already awake- wait Gilbert was awake? This was more serious then Ludwig had thought, he shook his head slowly, he didn’t know why he wouldn’t tell him that he and (Name) were only friends… it was funny… in a sadistic way.

“Gilbert, do you know where (Name) is?” He asked, Gilbert scowled at him trying to flip the sausages in the frying pan.

“Nein. Shouldn’t you know?” He sniffed to himself, scowling at the burn sausages, Ludwig almost felt sorry for him.

Ludwig frowned, (Name) wouldn’t have just ran away… would she?

“I’ll go look for her…” He muttered reaching out to take his jacket, Gilbert blinked.

“I should probably go… you can make breakfast…”

“I thought you didn’t like doing anything in the morning?” Ludwig asked, rising his eyebrow.

“Well…” Gilbert scowled, just as he was about to speak again (Name) walked in and blinked at them.

“I was just walking around… the ‘garden’…” She nodded.

“I ran around our yard, you weren’t there-“

“I ran with him… faster actually… and I didn’t see you either.” Gilbert interrupted. (Name) blinked and opened her mouth to say something.

“Let’s talk (Name)…” Ludwig sighed, steering her off to the living room. Gilbert blinked, maybe he should follow them.

(Name) glared at Ludwig.

“I can go… when I want…” Ludwig sighed.

“Can’t you see I’m just trying to help (Name)?” Ludwig asked, folding his arms.

“Yeah… well… I’m not a charity case!” Ludwig shook his head.

“I’m not saying you are… look you’re a perfectly able… woman… but then again, a little help won’t kill you.” (Name) didn’t reply.

“Yeah well…” Before she could continue the door opened, Gilbert walked in carrying a tray of burned eggs and sausages.

“Breakfast is ready!” He announced. Ludwig sighed.

“We were in the middle of something.” Gilbert stared at his brother.

“It can wait, now the awesome me has prepared an awesome-“

“Burnt…” (Name) added pointedly, Gilbert flushed red.

“Breakfast…” Gilbert grumbled.

“I don’t mind me food burnt…” (Name) reassured him. Gilbert nodded.

“I knew that…” Ludwig rolled his eyes at his brother.


At the breakfast table there was an awkward silence. Gilbert glanced at the couple in front of him, this was awkward.

“So… what is this project about?” He asked. (Name) and Ludwig glanced at each other.

“Erm…” Ludwig coughed.

“Er…” (Name) glanced around. Gilbert narrowed his eyes at Ludwig.

“I do hope you’re not hiding anything…” Gilbert glared at the two people and stormed off. (Name) glanced at the food uncomfortably.

“Haven’t told…him?” She asked trailing off; maybe she’d be kicked out if Ludwig told Gilbert.

“It’s not because of what you think (Name)…” Ludwig muttered. Gilbert would find out sooner or later.

Much sooner than he expected anyway…


It was the afternoon, Ludwig and (Name) had been looking trough jobs that (Name) could take on, even though Ludwig had told her that she was not allowed more than one job, nothing that interfered with her studies.

That’s when Gilbert had walked in, he folded his arms and glared at Ludwig.

“You can tell me what you’re hiding now.” He snapped, trying to think of the worst things possible, (Name) pushed the Laptops screen down and jumped up. Gilbert glanced at her. Ludwig shuffled around.

“Well…”  (Name) shot him a warning look, daring him to go any further. Ludwig shot Gilbert an apologetic look

“You could have told me you know…” There was a lot of hurt in Gilbert’s voice, Ludwig blinked at his brother.

“You’re homeless right?” Gilbert turned to (Name); (Name) wanted the ground to swallow her up right then and there.  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Gilbert asked, staring at his little brother.


“Well what?” Gilbert yelled his accent growing, Ludwig and (Name) jumped. “Why hide something like this? I’m your older brother! I could have helped!” (Name) stared, guilt filling her.

“I… told him not to...” She more or less squeaked. Gilbert ignored the comment.

“Is it because she’s… your… girlfriend?” There was silence, (Name) blinked.

“Umm… Gilbert we’re… only friends…” Ludwig mumbled, Gilbert blinked and glanced at (Name).

“Well…” Gilbert took in a deep breath. “I can help as well…” He snapped and stormed back out. (Name) glanced at Ludwig.

“Do you think I should go…”

“Yeah you should go talk to him.” Ludwig agreed.

“I meant like… go…?” Ludwig stared at her.

“No.” He snapped and pushed her out.


Gilbert stared at his reflection.

“I’m awesome.” He told himself reassuringly.  “No-one could ever say no to me…” He stared at the flower in his hand, it was not supposed to be this hard.

(Name) stood awkwardly near the door of Gilbert’s room. She could just about see him staring at his reflection trying to tell himself how awesome he was. She took in a deep breath and walked inside. First Gilbert didn’t notice her, he seemed busy staring at himself.

“Soo…..” (Name) muttered, Gilbert jumped and glanced back.


“I didn’t mean this to happen…” (Name) squeaked. Gilbert blinked, so she was here for that… the glimmer of hope died. He coughed and grumbled to himself.

“Well…” He flicked his hair, (Name) blinked.

Now or never…

“Well…” Gilbert coughed and stood up. “As long as it’s understood that I can help as well.”  He nodded. (Name) nodded glancing at the door.

“So (Name)… are you… busy?” (Name) blinked, glancing back at him. Gilbert had turned a few hundred shades of red.

“Busy as in..?”

“Maybe we could go somewhere… you know…” (Name) blinked, this was going to an unfamiliar direction. “To hang out…” There was another silence. “It would be awesome…” He added dying inside, this was taking too long. Not how he had imagined it in his head.

“Oh.” (Name) stared at the wall. Gilbert gulped. “Is Ludwig goin-“

“No he has homework to do.” Gilbert interrupted.

“Erm… like friends right?” (Name) asked, shuffling around. Gilbert blinked he took in a deep breath shoving the half dead flower into (Name)’s face. (Name) blinked examining the petal less flower in front of her.

“More than… friends.” Gilbert half squeaked. (Name) turned red.

“Oh.” She gulped. Gilbert shoved his hands in his pocket.

“Sure… I guess…” (Name) mumbled. Gilbert blinked then grinned.

“Right the awesome me will be waiting then I guess seven pm” With that he ran off. (Name) stared at the flower and shuffled off.


Ludwig pressed on the send button on his phone. This was for all the times (Name) had been annoying and the times Gilbert had humiliated him. He knew he would die late

EHEM...a ONESHOT! ME is so proud meself..
We were supposed to post 2 stories today but...
here ye go people! 
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AlisSparrow's avatar
So cute!~
Ludwig, you die at dawn you sneaky bastard!~